Monday, March 16, 2009

Tell me it gets better

Today has started out all wrong. The 4 year old was awake early and grumpy, the "old man" is home sick today, and the mother isn't speaking to anyone. I seem to be the only one in a less than fragile state so far and my mood is declining.
I am hoping for the return of the warm days with bright sun light. These cold, rainy, dreary days are taking a toll on my mental well-being. Just like a garden, I need sun light to thrive.
We have a beautiful tulip tree out back that is blooming with its showy pink flowers Thankfully, we didn't have any frost over the past few days. I was disappointed last year that the nasty weather killed the blooms and the tree didn't flower. The cardinals have been adorning the bare branches of the river birch trees in the front yard. At one point, a couple of days ago, I counted 20 male and female cardinals, 2 blue jays, and 3 finches sitting in one tree. The cardinals have such vivid colors, I say they look like ornaments decorating a Christmas tree.

A prayer to start the day.

Mother of All, Father of All:
as I go through the day,
keep my eyes open wide.
May I not miss beauty.
May I not miss joy.
May I not miss wonder.
Keep me awake and aware of the world.
- Ceisiwr Serith

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