Where to begin...since we are usually on the go all the time, I suppose I can chalk some of it up to cabin fever. However, the unacceptable behaviors started long before the weekend. We just happened to discover them on Saturday. Cerdwin had been invited to attend a birthday party on Sunday. We told her she had to clean her bedroom and playroom to have that privilege. Woe is me for starting that battle. Jason and I ended up in the playroom going through everything. First discovery was that she had decided to use her "playhouse washing machine" as a toilet. Yep. Full of dried urine! As we were going through things we found some strange stick substance all over some toys and DVD cases. Apparently that was lip gloss. The straw that broke the camels proverbial back though was when I started going through the toy box. I thought I smelled pee. Sure enough when I started picking up some of the toys they were wet! UGH! I went berserk. I had to throw a large number of toys in the garbage because they were saturated with urine.
We ended up bagging up 3 garbage bags full of toys to give away, quite a few items to put on craigslist, and two bags full to just toss. The options are now very limited in the playroom. Hopefully, that will make things much more manageable and less overwhelming for Cerdwin. All DVDs have been put in our bedroom. When she wants to watch one in the playroom she has to come ask for it and return it before getting another. So far that has been working pretty well. She has also been able to keep the playroom cleaned up fairly well without a huge battle.
Unfortunately, Mommy had to suffer the consequences of the bad behavior and stubbornness of the 4 year old. I was looking forward to going swimming after the birthday party. Boo hiss!
The battles continued through Sunday night. Monday was a much better day.
We started with some lessons on http://www.time4learning.com/ and this was a great experience. She seems to be enjoying the lessons, though at times they seem to move a little too slow for her. Even at bedtime we were able to review some of the things she had worked on as we were reading bedtime stories. It still to be seen if the $19.95/month subscription to the site will be worth our money, but we are giving it a try.
I am still trying to put together a curriculum for her to start on for Kindergarten. I have found several incredible websites. The resources from them are infinite! I just have to keep from being overwhelmed with them all and be rather discerning about which ones Cerdwin sees. She wants to try them all!
The top 3 for us so far are:
Time 4 Learning
Internet 4 Classrooms
Lesson Pathways
Today is a new day and we are going swimming at GG Carter's with some friends. So far it has been relaxed. Let's hope it continues.
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