We decided to give the Eden Drive-In a try to see Aliens in the Attic and Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince.
It might be a while before we head back to the Eden Drive-In. Don't get me wrong. It is nice. I like the grassy parking areas and the fact that they have larger restroom facilities than the Bright Leaf in Mt. Airy. However, they have a playground down by the screen and DD nearly drove us insane wanting to go play. DH took her to play and thank goodness I stayed by the van. He said that thing was a hazard. They also have someone walking around selling glow in the dark things that look like light sabers. UGH!
We made DD take a nap that afternoon before we went. It didn't help much. She did OK through the first movie - Aliens in the Attic. By the time the second movie started: Harry Potter, she was pretty tired and starting to get on my nerves. She was doing whatever she could to try to stay awake. It was also really humid Saturday night. The heat was not bad, but the humidity just made me feel nasty.
Someone had told me they liked the Bright Leaf in Mt. Airy better than the Eden Drive-In. I didn't ask their reason. After going to both of them, I think I agree. Aesthetically Eden is more appealing. However, we were more comfortable at the Bright Leaf.
You can't beat the prices to see 2 new release movies!
Eden: 6-Adult $5 each. 5 & under is FREE.
Bright Leaf: 11-Adult $6 each. 4-10 yrs $3. Under 4 is FREE.
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