Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Free Digital Supplement from The Old Schoolhouse

2009 Holiday Digital Supplement/Idea Book

Illuminate your Thanksgiving & Christmas holidays
with the help of a special present from a
trusted homeschooling friend . . .

Enjoy a fabulous free gift from The Old Schoolhouse®!

Start planning now for a wondrous holiday season with . . .

The TOS 2009 Digital Holiday Supplement

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Tackle It Tuesday turns into Thursday too

I am on a mission!
This house must be de-cluttered and cleaned so I can decorate for Christmas. Since I took on the laundry room Tuesday, today the pantry was the beast to be wrangled. Who would have thought a 4ft x 8ft space could take all day!?! Four years worth of junk piled up had to go!
From the time Cerdwin got up this morning, until I finally gave in, she begged to bake cookies. Finally, after I got the pantry cleaned out, kitchen cleaned up again, we baked Betty Crocker Sugar Cookies.

While I was getting dinner started the cookies were cooling. Of course, Little Miss Impatient was driving me bananas wanting to know when she could put frosting and sprinkles on the cookies.

After dinner was on the stove, I let her start frosting and sprinkling the cookies. Of course dinner was ruined for her since she had to take a lick of frosting after each cookie.

We used Betty Crocker Whipped Vanilla Frosting and two different types of sprinkles.
I must say they turned out to be pretty yummy little treats and I think my little kitchen witch did a great job!

You can find some coupons for the Betty Crocker Cookie Mixes plus other items here:
Better Crocker Coupons and Promotions

Dinner was quite delicious tonight too. I used one our favorite recipes from the Kraft Foods/Sam's Club dinner planner.

South-of-the-Border Chicken & Pasta Skillet

2 cups medium-size pasta, uncooked
2 Tyson® boneless skinless chicken breast halves (about 1 lb.), thawed, cut into bite-size pieces
16 oz. salsa (about 2 cups)
10 oz. frozen corn, unthawed (about 2 cups)
4 oz. (½ of 8-oz. pkg.) PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese, cubed
¼ tsp. ground cumin
1 cup KRAFT Mexican Style Finely Shredded Four Cheese, divided

COOK pasta as directed on package.
MEANWHILE, cook and stir chicken in large nonstick skillet sprayed with cooking spray on medium-high heat 6 min. or until done. Add salsa, corn, cream cheese and cumin; simmer on medium-low 6 min. or until corn is heated through and cream cheese is melted, stirring occasionally.
DRAIN pasta; add to skillet with half the shredded cheese. Simmer 3 min. or until heated through. Top with remaining shredded cheese; cover. Remove from heat; let stand 5 min. or until cheese is melted.

After all that, I even managed to soak in the tub to get a little quiet time for myself tonight too!

A "Green" Crafting Website

Fun in the Making, a site dedicated to eco-friendly crafting, recycling, reuse, sustainable living, thrifty living, Earth day (every day) craft projects and making anything the green way ...

Ugly Coffee with DanRiverMommies

Need a pick me up to get the day started? How about joining us for our first "Ugly Coffee" meet up?

What is "Ugly Coffee", you ask? Well, it's simple! Just come as you are! Yep! Roll out of bed, forget the make up and hair-do. Just slip on some comfy clothes and shoes and roll out the door. Heck...come in you PJ's if you want to!

Dan River Coffee House & Deli
108 West Murphy Street
Madison, NC 27025
Phone: 336-427-8000
Fax: 336-427-8007

You can check out the menu at this link:

Saturday, November 7th @ 9:30am

Thankful Thursday

Last night I talked on the phone with Sabrina, my life long friend, for the first time in several months. Our busy lives don't leave us much time to talk or see each other very often. She doesn't have any children and some of her other friends just do not fit in to my lifestyle. (KWIM?) She does the Facebook thing and sends the occasional chain email, but she not much on internet communication. She is hooked on Farmville. Laughing
Sabrina has a kidney disease that has wreaked havoc on her life since age 12. Cystinuria has left her with 100s of surgical procedures, numerous scars, a lifetime of medications, and more than just the general wear and tear on her body. She hasn't done a good job of taking her medications or taking care of herself. She is getting too old to be playing around with her health, drinking too much, doing drugs, etc.
I was so thankful to hear that she has found a job that she is enjoying and trying to keep the drama out of her life. I am thankful that she is my friend. We have been through some stuff over the years that most friendships wouldn't survive.

What are you thankful for today?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I want Wednesday

Right now...I want to go back to bed! My child usually isn't up before 9:30am at the earliest. Today? No...she was up at 6:50am! Shocked

I want to continue on my mission to get this house cleaned so I can start decorating for Christmas. I have tackled the coat closet, living room, and laundry room so far this week. I think the kitchen is next.

What do you want today? This week?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Make him go away! Part Two

Well, maybe he is gone now. He hung around here all day. Cerdwin really wanted to go outside to play today and the weather was so nice. I hated having to keep her inside because of the dog. He was very friendly, but he had lost his mind chasing all the cats. He would not listen at all. If he wasn't chasing a cat, he was jumping on Cerdwin. When Jason got home around 6pm he didn't see him. I haven't heard any bellowing since about 4 and my dogs haven't been barking. I hope his owners found him. He was a cute dog.

Tackle It Tuesday

Today I am tackling the laundry room! Already listed a variety of items on freecycle that need to go.

OK...laundry room has been tackled and taken down! Whoohoo!

Make him go away!

OMG! When we got home last night there was a beagle on our front porch. He won't leave! Has a tracking collar and a name and number on it, but no phone number. I have tried calling the vets offices to ask if anyone had called looking for their dog. No luck there. He is driving my dogs insane and the poor cats are terrified. Every time they move he starts chasing them and bellowing. He needs to go HOME! NOW!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Manic Monday

Is it easy or difficult for you to switch your body clock? I don't sleep very much, so it doesn't really bother me too much.

Do you suffer from jet lag when traveling? Never traveled anywhere to have jet lag.

If you had to pick one place in your town to bring a tourist, where would you go? Hanging Rock

When you travel away from home, do you miss it? Nope.