Baby's Bottom Dollar Gifts is located at 117 East Main Street in downtown Pilot Mountain,
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
New Tote Bag
I absolutely love my new tote bag from Baby's Bottom Dollar Gifts! It is just too cute and you just can beat the price of $22 including embroidery! I highly recommend dropping in the store to see the beautiful items or you can shop online too.
Baby's Bottom Dollar Gifts is located at 117 East Main Street in downtown Pilot Mountain,
Baby's Bottom Dollar Gifts is located at 117 East Main Street in downtown Pilot Mountain,
Thursday, April 16, 2009
My follow with the doctor
I had a Hydro Ultrasound today. Finally determined that I have an anterior endometrial polyp. I will be having a D&C in May. I am not thrilled by the idea, but I hope that this will relieve some of my problems. If not then I will probably be having an endometrial ablation.
After I got back home, Cerdwin, Jason, and I decided to go get some hot dogs and hamburgers. We took them to Horizon's Park for a picnic and Cerdwin had a chance to play with some other little girls. I met another mom from the Walnut Cove area with a four year old daughter. She and I had a nice time chatting.
Later we went to Grandma & Grandpa's house for a little while. It was a great day.
After I got back home, Cerdwin, Jason, and I decided to go get some hot dogs and hamburgers. We took them to Horizon's Park for a picnic and Cerdwin had a chance to play with some other little girls. I met another mom from the Walnut Cove area with a four year old daughter. She and I had a nice time chatting.
Later we went to Grandma & Grandpa's house for a little while. It was a great day.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Tuesday is PE Class day and this week was our turn to go swimming. Whoohoo! That is always a fun time. After swimming we went to McDonald's in Pilot Mountain for a playdate...nobody else showed up. :( Oh well, I made the effort.
I bought a new bag today too. Baby's Bottom Dollar Gifts There really is some cute stuff there. I purchased a tote bag. I won't be able to pick it up until next Tuesday when I go back to Pilot Mtn. because she is embroidering my initials on the bag and the cosmetic bag that came with it. She said it would be ready the next day, but it is a long drive for me. The bag was only $22 in the store as apposed to $26 on the website and the embroidering was free. I was thrilled. I can't wait to pick it up.
I bought a new bag today too. Baby's Bottom Dollar Gifts There really is some cute stuff there. I purchased a tote bag. I won't be able to pick it up until next Tuesday when I go back to Pilot Mtn. because she is embroidering my initials on the bag and the cosmetic bag that came with it. She said it would be ready the next day, but it is a long drive for me. The bag was only $22 in the store as apposed to $26 on the website and the embroidering was free. I was thrilled. I can't wait to pick it up.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Easter with the Wilson's
Of course Jason had to work, but Cerdwin and I headed over to GG Wilson's for dinner on Easter. Dinner was delicious. Ham, green beans, red potatoes, chicken casserole, mac & cheese, deviled eggs, macaroni salad, coleslaw, and other yummy dishes. Desserts included an award winning Pineapple Cake, a cake made by Brother's girlfriend, and brownies that I made from a recipe on Bakerella's blog.
It was a pleasant evening and Cerdwin had fun playing with Cameron and Chandler.
It was a pleasant evening and Cerdwin had fun playing with Cameron and Chandler.
Easter Shopping
I dropped Cerdwin off at Grandma & Grandpa's house to go do some shopping. I picked up a few books and nut free chocolate bunnies for Cerdwin's Easter Basket. I also went to ToysRUs for a new booster seat. She had told me before I dropped her off that she wanted one with Dragonflies on it. I was so shocked when I actually found one that had dragonflies and butterflies on the cover. The Graco Nautilus. I wasn't completely convinced on getting this particular seat. We will have to see how it goes.
It was nice to have a few minutes to sit down at Barnes & Noble Bookstore and enjoy some quiet time with all the books.
It was nice to have a few minutes to sit down at Barnes & Noble Bookstore and enjoy some quiet time with all the books.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Dan River Coffee House & Deli
We headed out for a playdate at the park in Mayodan. No sooner that we walked onto the playground it started raining. We went to Dan River Coffee House & Deli(108 W. Murphy Street) in downtown Madison. It is a nice little place. They will be expanding soon, so that will be really great. After the rain stopped and the sun peeped out again, we went back to the park.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Four Year Well Check
Cerdwin did very well at her appointment. She didn't have any major meltdown over seeing the Nurse Practitioner. Hopefully some of the bad memories are starting to fade from having stitches removed from her lip last year. Her check-up went well. I just left a little concerned over her weight. Well, I was concerned before the appointment, but now even more. We have got to make some sort of changes for our whole family's eating habits. No vaccinations today. I opted to put them off until next year. No need in putting her through that ordeal if it isn't necessary.
Since she did so well at the appointment, I took her for a manicure at Simply Sassy Kids Spa. She had blue and green nails with purple polkadots. Too cute!
Since she did so well at the appointment, I took her for a manicure at Simply Sassy Kids Spa. She had blue and green nails with purple polkadots. Too cute!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
...and too the parents shall suffer
Yesterday was a bad day for me in the pain department. My legs ached like a tooth ache and my back was very "catchy". I opted out of taking Cerdwin to PE Class because I didn't feel like I could keep up. Since it was chilly and windy and she really wanted to go to PE, I thought we would take her to Chick-Fil-A for some playtime and let her expend some of that energy. We got there around 2:30 and she was having a blast playing with some kids who were a bit older than her. My friend Jennifer, who lives in Huntersville, was in town. She was able to drop by for a few minutes since she was in the area. We were chatting when some other people came in with 5-6 kids. It wasn't long before I noticed one of the mothers go into the play area and it appeared there was some sort of issue with Cerdwin. She was up in the tunnels somewhere. I got up to check on the situation just as the mother and the entourage of kids came filing out of the play area. The mother informed me, "Your daughter is in there saying she doesn't like my daughter and she was pushing her. Would you please ask her to stop doing that?" WTF? Now, I know Cerdwin is mouthy, but usually she is not physically aggressive. This apparently wasn't the case on Tuesday. When I went into the play area, followed by the kidtourage, I called Cerdwin down. I asked her to apologize to the little girl(proabably 3 years old) for pushing her. She insisted that she didn't like the little girl and refused to apologize. After several attempts at getting Cerdwin to apologize, she finally said sorry, but not to the little girl and in a very dismissive tone. I didn't accept that and tried to make her apologize again. However, being the queen of avoidance, she tried everything in her power to not do it. I finally told her that she was through for the day and she needed to get her shoes. We went rounds over that until I finally had to find her shoes, put them on her, and march her out of the play area. She was screaming the whole way of course. As soon as Jason, Cerdwin, and I got outside the doors she stopped screaming. Oh the dramatics!
Our original plan had been to have some playtime at CFA, then go to Gatti's Pizza for dinner and some games. That plan got squashed though. We just came home. So too the parents suffer for the bad behaviors of the child. Man! We were looking forward to some pizza!
We discussed why she said she didn't like the little girl and why she had pushed her. I still don't quite understand why she said she didn't like her. She did say she had pushed the girl because she would get out of the way so Cerdwin could get by. We explained to her that next time she needed to ask nicely, "Will you please move so I can get by?" If that doesn't work, go another way, wait your turn, or call for mommy or daddy. I think she got it. Still don't understand the reasoning behind not liking the girl????
So no pizza, no cartoons, and no Wii last night made for a long evening at home with a 4 year old drama queen. And...I didn't even get to say goodbye to Jennifer before she had to leave while I was dealing with the incident. Her response was: "That lady made me mad! She should teach her kid 2 take up for herself and that sometimes things happen. The kid was in no way hurt or in danger. Kids will be kids!" I have to agree with her to some point. The lady didn't approach me in a confrontation way and I wasn't offended by her. I just don't want my child to be a bully and will certainly try to teach her not to react the way she did, but things like that are going to happen. I am sure the same thing has happened to Cerdwin, but she is like a duck and just lets it roll off her back. She doesn't come tattle-telling when stuff like that happens. She tries to deal with it on her own. She may not react in the most appropriate way, but they have to learn to solve their differences on their own too.
Today is a new day and we will move on. No sense in dwelling on it.
Our original plan had been to have some playtime at CFA, then go to Gatti's Pizza for dinner and some games. That plan got squashed though. We just came home. So too the parents suffer for the bad behaviors of the child. Man! We were looking forward to some pizza!
We discussed why she said she didn't like the little girl and why she had pushed her. I still don't quite understand why she said she didn't like her. She did say she had pushed the girl because she would get out of the way so Cerdwin could get by. We explained to her that next time she needed to ask nicely, "Will you please move so I can get by?" If that doesn't work, go another way, wait your turn, or call for mommy or daddy. I think she got it. Still don't understand the reasoning behind not liking the girl????
So no pizza, no cartoons, and no Wii last night made for a long evening at home with a 4 year old drama queen. And...I didn't even get to say goodbye to Jennifer before she had to leave while I was dealing with the incident. Her response was: "That lady made me mad! She should teach her kid 2 take up for herself and that sometimes things happen. The kid was in no way hurt or in danger. Kids will be kids!" I have to agree with her to some point. The lady didn't approach me in a confrontation way and I wasn't offended by her. I just don't want my child to be a bully and will certainly try to teach her not to react the way she did, but things like that are going to happen. I am sure the same thing has happened to Cerdwin, but she is like a duck and just lets it roll off her back. She doesn't come tattle-telling when stuff like that happens. She tries to deal with it on her own. She may not react in the most appropriate way, but they have to learn to solve their differences on their own too.
Today is a new day and we will move on. No sense in dwelling on it.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Long time, no post
I haven't really had a chance to spend a lot of time at the computer over the last few days. Last Friday we took a family shopping trip. I surprised J by dragging him to Casual Male XL to get some new jeans. I was so tired of looking at those raggedy things he has been wearing. I mean, come on! They are fine for work, but when we are going somewhere as a family, I would prefer not seeing things hanging out of holes! After listening to him moan and groan about paying $50 for a pair of jeans, he finally picked out two pair.
I had promised Cerdwin that we would go out to eat at Outback Steakhouse when we all recovered from the flu. I made good on that promise. We tried the new crab meat stuffed shrimp appetizer. YUM! We all enjoyed our entree and even got dessert. I had been happy with our dining experience until the server delivered our dessert. We chose the sampler which included two items with nuts and one without. I asked them to plate the cheese cake separately for Cerdwin since she is allergic to nuts. I didn't realize until after she had already dug in that they had put the slice of cheese cake smack dab in the middle of the other two, scraped it off the platter, and put it on another plate. Thank goodness, she didn't have any reactions!
Next stop: Babies R Us to look at booster seats. I want a Britax Regent. Unfortunately, the Winston-Salem location does not have them in stock. Boo! Hiss! I guess I am going to have to shop online.
We finished out our family shopping day with grocery shopping at Wal-Mart. Of course, that required that we visit the garden center so Cerdwin could grope the flowers and vegetable plants. She loves flowers! She had a blast smelling all the different herb plants and feeling the different textures. I look forward to gardening with her when the weather permits.
Saturday was the 29th Annual Easter Egg Hunt at Moratock Park in Danbury. We packed a picnic lunch and met up with some moms and kids from DanRiverMommies. After some playground time, we headed over for the "great hunt". We couldn't make our exit until Cerdwin was able to go see the Easter Bunny and give her a hug. While we were waiting our turn, Cerdwin made an observation. "Look Mommy! The Easter Bunny is a girl!" She could see long blonde hair hanging out from under the bunny mask. :lol:! After more playtime and swinging, a trip to the restrooms, and chatting with a former co-worker, whom I haven't seen in over 10 years, we went to the new consignment store in Danbury.
Splurges on Main is a nice little consignment boutique located in Danbury. She has a nice selection of name brand items for women and teens. Check it out if you are planning to be in town. I was a little disappointed that none of the other businesses in town were open. With the huge crowds at Moratock Park on Saturday, it could have been a profitable day for those places.
After a quick stop at Betty's Country Grocery we went to the inlaw's house. Cerdwin had a chance to play with her favorite older cousin Cameron for a couple of hours.
Since the weather was so nice on Sunday, we stayed around the house. Cerdwin played on her swing set and rode her bicycle for hours. I had the most unpleasant task of disposing of the remains of one of our numerous outdoor cats. Some how I managed to keep her from seeing the poor feline. :Warning: Maybe TMI! The spare tire from the Explorer was laying on the ground down by the basement. The cat had crawled through the center of the wheel. He was not fortunate enough to make back through the hole. He had gotten his head back through the hole, but apparently couldn't get the rest of his body back out. I don't know how long that poor thing suffered there and I felt so terrible that we didn't realize so we could have helped him.
It is time for the natural selection process to start around here again though. We have two cats expecting kittens right now. That is how it usually works. We loose a few before the babies arrive. Unfortunately, I am usually the one who has the unpleasant task of collecting the carcasses. J has to bury them in the "pet cemetary".
Monday we did the tie dying experiment to make some pretty cool Easter Eggs. Today is PE Class day, but I don't think we are going to make it. My legs are sore and my back is hurting pretty bad. I don't think I can hold up for whatever activities are planned. We may just head out to Chick Fil A for some afternoon play time since it is so cold and windy today.
I had promised Cerdwin that we would go out to eat at Outback Steakhouse when we all recovered from the flu. I made good on that promise. We tried the new crab meat stuffed shrimp appetizer. YUM! We all enjoyed our entree and even got dessert. I had been happy with our dining experience until the server delivered our dessert. We chose the sampler which included two items with nuts and one without. I asked them to plate the cheese cake separately for Cerdwin since she is allergic to nuts. I didn't realize until after she had already dug in that they had put the slice of cheese cake smack dab in the middle of the other two, scraped it off the platter, and put it on another plate. Thank goodness, she didn't have any reactions!
Next stop: Babies R Us to look at booster seats. I want a Britax Regent. Unfortunately, the Winston-Salem location does not have them in stock. Boo! Hiss! I guess I am going to have to shop online.
We finished out our family shopping day with grocery shopping at Wal-Mart. Of course, that required that we visit the garden center so Cerdwin could grope the flowers and vegetable plants. She loves flowers! She had a blast smelling all the different herb plants and feeling the different textures. I look forward to gardening with her when the weather permits.
Saturday was the 29th Annual Easter Egg Hunt at Moratock Park in Danbury. We packed a picnic lunch and met up with some moms and kids from DanRiverMommies. After some playground time, we headed over for the "great hunt". We couldn't make our exit until Cerdwin was able to go see the Easter Bunny and give her a hug. While we were waiting our turn, Cerdwin made an observation. "Look Mommy! The Easter Bunny is a girl!" She could see long blonde hair hanging out from under the bunny mask. :lol:! After more playtime and swinging, a trip to the restrooms, and chatting with a former co-worker, whom I haven't seen in over 10 years, we went to the new consignment store in Danbury.
Splurges on Main is a nice little consignment boutique located in Danbury. She has a nice selection of name brand items for women and teens. Check it out if you are planning to be in town. I was a little disappointed that none of the other businesses in town were open. With the huge crowds at Moratock Park on Saturday, it could have been a profitable day for those places.
After a quick stop at Betty's Country Grocery we went to the inlaw's house. Cerdwin had a chance to play with her favorite older cousin Cameron for a couple of hours.
Since the weather was so nice on Sunday, we stayed around the house. Cerdwin played on her swing set and rode her bicycle for hours. I had the most unpleasant task of disposing of the remains of one of our numerous outdoor cats. Some how I managed to keep her from seeing the poor feline. :Warning: Maybe TMI! The spare tire from the Explorer was laying on the ground down by the basement. The cat had crawled through the center of the wheel. He was not fortunate enough to make back through the hole. He had gotten his head back through the hole, but apparently couldn't get the rest of his body back out. I don't know how long that poor thing suffered there and I felt so terrible that we didn't realize so we could have helped him.
It is time for the natural selection process to start around here again though. We have two cats expecting kittens right now. That is how it usually works. We loose a few before the babies arrive. Unfortunately, I am usually the one who has the unpleasant task of collecting the carcasses. J has to bury them in the "pet cemetary".
Monday we did the tie dying experiment to make some pretty cool Easter Eggs. Today is PE Class day, but I don't think we are going to make it. My legs are sore and my back is hurting pretty bad. I don't think I can hold up for whatever activities are planned. We may just head out to Chick Fil A for some afternoon play time since it is so cold and windy today.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Tie Dyed Easter Eggs
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Fun and busy day
Tuesday is PE Class day in Pilot Mountain. I picked up Cerdwin from the inlaw's house and took her to PE Class. She loves to go hang out with the other homeschoolers. They are all much older than she, but she enjoys the interaction. After leaving the recreation center, we headed over to McDonald's. Cerdwin's friend Amber is having a birthday party this coming Saturday and we won't be able to attend. Amber's mom and I decided to get the girls together for a playdate and gift giving. We hung out there for about and hour and a half. Amber gave Cerdwin a party favor bag. It had all sorts of cute Tinkerbell stuff.
We started back toward King and decided to make a little detour of sorts. We drove up to Pilot Mountain State Park and walked around for a few minutes. Then drove to my grandmother's for dinner and play time with Cooper and Cambree.
Even remembering to take my meds didn't seem to help much. I was still miserable with pain on top of being in a fog most of the day. I just can't do a lot of of walking without paying for it with a lot of pain later. I hate it! I have been dealing with this for 10 years. Nothing to be done about it for now though. I don't have any options other than live with it.
I need to be cleaning house and doing laundry. Instead, I am being super lazy and sitting in front of the computer. Cerdwin's four year well check was canceled today. GRRR! I really wanted to talk to her pediatrician about some things. Now we have to wait another week.
That biopsy that I had done on Monday has wreaked havoc on me. It has only been 19 days since my last menstural cycle. I hope all these tests lead to some some sort of diagnosis and there is some treatment options so I can get some relief.
Enough rambling for now. Going to go get busy at doing something constructive!
We started back toward King and decided to make a little detour of sorts. We drove up to Pilot Mountain State Park and walked around for a few minutes. Then drove to my grandmother's for dinner and play time with Cooper and Cambree.
Even remembering to take my meds didn't seem to help much. I was still miserable with pain on top of being in a fog most of the day. I just can't do a lot of of walking without paying for it with a lot of pain later. I hate it! I have been dealing with this for 10 years. Nothing to be done about it for now though. I don't have any options other than live with it.
I need to be cleaning house and doing laundry. Instead, I am being super lazy and sitting in front of the computer. Cerdwin's four year well check was canceled today. GRRR! I really wanted to talk to her pediatrician about some things. Now we have to wait another week.
That biopsy that I had done on Monday has wreaked havoc on me. It has only been 19 days since my last menstural cycle. I hope all these tests lead to some some sort of diagnosis and there is some treatment options so I can get some relief.
Enough rambling for now. Going to go get busy at doing something constructive!
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